
Coping Mechanisms...

Have any idea what coping mechanisms really are?

Basically, it's what we do subconsciously to deal with stress... here's a long definition... but the bottom line it is behavior that we do (usually without realizing) to get through to the moment when we can breath again after a stretch of extreme stress.

I know I am a survivor. I've had major conversations with men and women who went to school to identify what a person should or should not be worried about when it comes to mental illness. I wish I could blame insanity for some of my decisions in this lifetime but I couldn't even get a diagnosis of depression when I tried once...just a pat on the back and congratulations for having good instincts of how to deal with the stress I was under... ie ...I have great coping mechanisms to survive intense/insane/unusual/life threatening situations...

I should, I've had my share of "situations"...

But having hit a certain level of comfort...I'm in love, I'm happy, I'm not worried about losing the roof over my head or having enough food for my kids, my writing career is finally going somewhere...it didn't even dawn on me that I've been "COPING"...

Aside from the nervous tic, I'm feeling pretty good about who I am, who I want to be, and where I want my life to take me...

So, why did it dawn on me at 5:45am this morning that I am utilizing a whole bunch of coping mechanisms? Compartmentalization and Dissociation just to name a few...

So, between 5:45am and 7:45am when I actually forced myself out from under the covers, I thought a lot about what I'm doing that I don't like and why...then I came up with a plan to stop coping with my life and start embracing my life...tic causing insanity and all.

This afternoon I laid down in the grass and soaked in some sunshine, Jazzi joined me...two hours later I didn't even berate myself for not writing...

This evening a woman called for a tarot reading and I could tell by the desperation in her voice that she needed a voice of reason...I know, she called me?...I gave her information she needed to make sane, rational decisions...I didn't charge her a single cent...and two hours of readings later...I felt whole again...

In my new life...married, not working, writing full time...I'd forgotten what helped me stay sane through the hard (leaner) times and remembered just in time what could keep me sane in the here and now: tarot, Reiki, prayer, ritual, meditation, and yoga complete me...and somewhere along the way, I stopped giving myself an adequate amount of "me" time. Add in all of the drama of the last few weeks and it's affected me...mentally, physically, and spiritually.

I'm much more happy and relaxed tonight just because I took enough time this morning to figure out that the coping mechanisms I was subconsciously relying on to get me through the moments between caffeine overload and adrenaline rush weren't working.
* * * * * *

Funny story from mid day...
I had to run to town for a minute (between sunsoaking and tarot call)...
I left all of my computer screens up, as I usually do...
Beautiful Girl called me on my cell and as soon as I answered, "Hello?" She screeched, "You're buying a vibrator?"
As a matter of fact, I was considering it, but since my youngest daughter has exhibited little psychic ability, I wasn't sure how she knew that...
I played it cool and asked, "What compelled you to ask that?"
"I have proof!" She said gleefully, "You left the website open to the one you have picked out."
It took me a minute to remember back to the morning (pre-sun) and yes, as a matter of fact I was looking at vibrators, but I was only comparing functions...for writing research...honest. Which is exactly what I told her adding, "It's all there. Page one, chapter one. Read it."
From the sounds she made, you would have thought I asked her to swallow a live goldfish...or two. Reading Mom's bdsm porn is obviously not an option...lol.


Belated Sunday Funnies...Now, on Monday...

You know, I've been hearing an awful lot about Audacia Ray's Craiglist ad...wherein she is attempting to sell a slightly used "Sex Toy"... okay, it's a fucking machine... literally...

She has also made a short film about the experience which honestly tonight I tried to download, but alas, it is no longer downloadable...

However, the trailer qualifies for today's SF and is embedded here:


Sex Free Orgasm?

I was reading a review by Sadie Faye about a new book on the shelves: The Orgasm Loop (by Susan Crain Bakos) which claims to teach "the no-fail technique for reaching orgasm during sex."

Since approximately 35% of all women do not reliably orgasm during sex and 15% of women do not orgasm ever...it would seem every woman would want to read this book. Me? Mild curiosity peeked (meaning I almost skipped the book review.) It was a really SLOWWW day...so I read the review.

You can read the entire review here.
Quotes from the book review:

"First, the loop itself, which is a series of three pretty simple steps."

"Step one: Relax and focus on your "desire image," something that gets you super turned-on. The image can be anything, even if it's abstract, except your lover -- according to Bakos, you need to be totally relaxed and into yourself, and we all know our lovers don't always make us feel that way."

"Step two: When you're sufficiently turned on, imagine all your desire as a concentrated ball of energy right below your belly button, and then mentally move it into your vagina (from within, no fingers yet). Then imagine a coil of lust at the base of your spine and move it through your pelvis to your genitals. Yeah, it sounds hokey, but as I was moving the ball and the coil I actually felt heat in my lady parts, and they definitely became more sensitive."

"The last part of the technique is where the loop comes in: Breathe in and out while you do your kegels (those are where you squeeze your PC, the same muscle that stops the flow of urine). Clench as you breathe in, relax as you breathe out. By staying focused on your image, getting all the energy in the right place, and keeping this rhythmic breathing and flexing, most women apparently will come. I did -- and honestly, I couldn't believe it.

Not only did I orgasm, but the arousal felt different from most of my masturbation. I was aware of my whole body instead of just my genitals, and I felt like I had generated the desire from within instead of getting turned on from an outside source like a vibrator or porn."

Imagine that...an orgasm caused mentally...hmmm...now I am intrigued. I'm not sure if the book reviewers three step cliff notes are enough...I'll give it a try. I may even have to buy the book...


Some Days You Wake Up Needing...Spanked

I woke up dreaming about a past spanking...mmmmmm...yes it was a very erotic spanking from the man long ago who awakened such dark desires that I could probably blame my entire BDSM erotica career on him...

As a result of waking to that dream I have done nothing but think of spanking all day...

I know what brought on the dream; I'm reading Being A Girl by Chloe Thurlow and it has quite a bit of spanking in it...so my mind took a bit of a fieldtrip into the past and now...spanking, spanking, spanking...it's all I can think about.

Do you ever have one of those days?

Is there ever a good way to ask you partner to just "Spank Me?" ... it could go so well, or it could go so badly...for inspiration I am embedding the Top Ten Spanking Scenes from Modern Media...

Enjoy and I hope you have a Spanking Good Saturday;)


Anyone Watch Lipstick Jungle?

Just now getting around to blogging about this...
Did anyone see Wednesday night's episode of Lipstick Jungle?

Well, I did...I love LJ...and especially Niko and Kirby's affair(Kim Raver/Robert Buckley)...older woman, younger man...yum yum

View the episode here if you missed it...

The topic that pivoted my mind was G-shot...
Maybe you've heard, maybe you haven't, but there's a new procedure that was developed in the UK and finally made it to the US shores (if you are in a large enough city at any rate.)

What is a G-shot? Collagen shot into the G-spot of course, otherwise known as G-spot augmentation. The basic concept is that the injected collagen will "swell" the sight, exerting constant pressure on the G-spot and consequentially producing an almost constant state of arousal increased with activity (supposedly riding in a car, doing yoga and any number of other activities.)

And sex post G-spot augmentation?
Everything I've read touts that it is amazing, amazing, A-fucking-amazing...

Just makes you want to go and get the G-shot doesn't it?
well, I'm pouting because Sir Hotness fairly forbade me from getting the shot. He said he'd like to live to see fifty and I'm horny enough without the help...

Maybe I should see that as a complement...
I still feel like I'm really missing out on something!


What I'm Working On Today...

Whew, now that I have power...it took a week to get caught up on the four days of online life I'd missed, making me wonder how I ever get it all done during a normal day and still have time to write...

Final edits are complete on the ms working title: Living Vicariously: now titled: Voyeur (cause my editor rocks)...and awaiting line reader comments...

I've seen the cover art draft...thrilled...

So what can I do today?
Oh yeah...I guess I should get back to writing. So my obvious thought is to go back to the WIP I was working on prepower outage (LOVERS)...but I'm kind of thinking I should let that one jell in my head a bit longer...

I could work on the revision of WIP PORNSTAR...
I could work on one of the three WIP I have sitting on a backburner: PRIME, PRODIGAL, JOURNEY...

I think when you get behind target dates because of nasty unexpected events (like a hurricane in Ohio) it just seems mind numbing trying to figure out how to get back on target...

I think I'm going to dwell on some eyecandy for motivation...


Femme's Guide Topic...

Yesterday I posted over at the Femme's Guide to Absolutley Everything on the topic of Female Ejaculation and I was slightly surprised that there were no comments...

Is it becauuse the subject is too taboo? Too boring?

Personally, I find it slightly embarressing...still...because it happens and I'm always left laying in the puddle because I always forget to bring a towel to bed. You would think that I would remember.


Can I blame that one on short term memory loss?
Or maybe because "in the moment" my mind isn't actually on the "after"...

Any thoughts on Female Ejaculation? Anyone?
You can comment here, obviously...and I would love that...but I'd also like you to check out the post there...and comment there...just so I'll know that someone other than me read the post...


Hugs to you for stopping by!!!!


Can I Have Another Choice Please?

I really want a third party...
and here's why, I don't like either of the choices I have now.

Just got around to reading this email from the Defenders of Wildlife:

Shocking Choice by John McCain

WASHINGTON-- Senator John McCain just announced his choice for running mate: Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. To follow is a statement by Rodger Schlickeisen, president of Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund.“Senator McCain’s choice for a running mate is beyond belief. By choosing Sarah Palin, McCain has clearly made a decision to continue the Bush legacy of destructive environmental policies.“Sarah Palin, whose husband works for BP (formerly British Petroleum), has repeatedly put special interests first when it comes to the environment. In her scant two years as governor, she has lobbied aggressively to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling, pushed for more drilling off of Alaska’s coasts, and put special interests above science. Ms. Palin has made it clear through her actions that she is unwilling to do even as much as the Bush administration to address the impacts of global warming. Her most recent effort has been to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to remove the polar bear from the endangered species list, putting Big Oil before sound science. As unbelievable as this may sound, this actually puts her to the right of the Bush administration. “This is Senator McCain’s first significant choice in building his executive team and it’s a bad one. It has to raise serious doubts in the minds of voters about John McCain’s commitment to conservation, to addressing the impacts of global warming and to ensuring our country ends its dependency on oil.”
The Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund (www.defendersactionfund.org) provides a powerful voice in Washington to Americans who value our conservation heritage. Through grassroots lobbying, issue advocacy and political campaigns, the Action Fund champions those laws and lawmakers that protect wildlife and wild places while working against those that do them harm.


Blogging at Sexpressions

I am posting at Liquid Silver Books Blog Sexpressions today, so please stop over to discover why I have developed a nervous twitch this week.

My Femme's Guide Post was delayed last week due to the Ohio Power Outage...

And Mabon Blessings!

Wiccan Myspace



I love this picture...it just screams fun. So, I'm looking for reader comments.
Sexy, not sexy?
Please tell me your thoughts!

I actually have a very valid reason for asking...
I'm in the middle of a WIP that has breath play and I for one have always been a big fan of Asphyxiaphilia (*please note: asphyxiation (lack of air) is absolutely edge play and should never go as far as loss of consciousness.)

So, this WIP rocks...IMHO.

Dying to post an excerpt....
Question is: Is anyone willing to beg for an excerpt?

Have a great weekend!

Surprise Me...Titillate Me...

This post has been delayed by Hurricane Ike...it seems forever ago that I raced to the bookstore to buy Playing...

Here's my thoughts:
I hate predictability, so imagine my surprise (and disappointment) when I read, "We're going to count the last five together." (spanks) or the line, "Just because I want to..."

Another introduction To BDSM 101

The novel, "Playing" by Melanie Abrams lacked in BDSM originality; however, that said...the book is going on my bookshelf because she pushed all the right buttons when she dug into the psych of the heroine...

I would have really loved the book if she would have also delved into the psych of the hero...which was pretty much presented as "I'm a sadist, get over it...and if it makes you feel better see my sadism as your painful sacred path to enlightenment" (my paraphrase).

Clearly, the novel was tight enough to earn mass-marketing...
Clearly, all of my fears about showcasing children in novels has been ridiculous when this novel crosses all boundaries and puts the heroine (in my mind) who she be immediately sterilized so as not to become a child-abuser...

As a side note the author is Caucasian, her husband Indian...the heroine is Caucasian, the hero Indian...making me wonder if this was the only story in Melanie Abrams head...or if she has more to offer.

As much as I love finding new authors willing and able to negotiate BDSM erotica contracts, I hate the disappointment of losing them. Remember Laura Reese' short lived fame...Topping From Below and Panic Snap rate among my all time fav reads...and yet she has flown the coop as a fiction author. Reportedly now that she is pursuing a "real career" her writing is an embarrassment. Pity.


Fairy Tales...

A lovely friend sent me this...not sure if it was before, during, or after Hurricane Ike...but I appreciated the laugh when I finally received it! And after surviving the storm and resulting power outage without the skills and brawn of a man in residence...

I chuckled...


Any TrueBlood Followers Here?

Okay, I'm in lust...
Trueblood is doing it for me for this fall's HBO line-up

Have no idea what I'm talking about?
Trailer for Episode 1

I know where I'm going to be sitting every Sunday night at 9pm...
Ahhh...I hope there's lots of biting:)

And it's a more grown-up vampire lovestory than Twilight...
Now don't get me wrong... I love Stephenie Meyers series and am anticipating the movie premier Nov 21 but to have grown-ups kissing instead of children and all manners of sexiness going on (it is HBO) ... I'm absolutely giddy.


There Is No Sufficient Title For This Post...

It's roughly quarter til twelve...and the best way to start this post is that I've been up since seven a.m. (cursed barking dogs...lovable because their mine...but some days) on top of three hours of sleep because I thought it would be a good idea to have some Internet playtime last night...which I enjoyed and really needed... even though I knew today needs to be a productive writing day...
Okay, so dogs wake me up an hour before the alarm...I'll survive.
If you really know me...and know how much of a morning person I'm really not...you can appreciate the sarcasm in that statement.

It's raining, great...
It is great, really, we need the rain...what is not great is that one dog is now condemned to the garage most of the day (don't worry, he's on a fairly long lead he'll have lots of outdoors roll in the mud time before I drag him back in for the bubblebath that will make him house friendly again...the other dog, cute puppy girl in heat is condemned to spend the day at my feet and not worshipping the ground he walks on...(usually, he worships ...but today she thinks it's the end of the world because they can't play.)

So he's outside barking...
And she's inside whining...

I'm really not getting any writing done.
Maybe I should take her for a walk? Sounds like fun...yes, it's raining...but it's only a drizzle, maybe a little heavier than a drizzle but I'm not going to melt, ya know...

I put her on the lead (all I need is an escaped dog in heat) and we go out the back door. The smell of death is immediate. I know ewww welcome to my life...

So I'm ready to kill the cat that has probably returned from a night out prowling for dinner (but honestly I really didn't believe it was a fresh kill or kitty prey size) too much stink...

And Jazzi girl is all over it...
She's pulling and jerking and whining and really just bound and determined to find the dead thing...and all I can think is I hope the coyotes didn't take down the deer I saw limping around a few days ago...

Curiosity peeked, we tromp out into the prairie behind the house in search of death...
It's still early by the way...still lots of time to write...later...

We don't find the dead thing and I think we're both a little disappointed but by now we are both fairly soaked through...it was slightly harder than a drizzle at some points...
And I look down...
And my beautiful girl is covered from head to toe with burrs...

I look down at me...
You got it...covered.

So now, I get to de-burr the wet dog(did I mention mud covered too?) before we can even go in the house...easy for me, I just strip at the back door...
So how long does it take to de-burr a wet, not impressed long haired pooch? I'll just say the morning is gone...

And after all of that Petey is still barking, Jazzi is still whining...there is something bigger than a dead bunny somewhere in the back field...and I haven't written a single word on the ms that still isn't complete and should have been wrapped up two weeks ago...
Also...since it is painfully obvious that I am not writing...I found Lady Talks A Lot, a blogger who asked the question, "Would you have sex for a million dollars?"
OMG...how many arguments have I had over this very question (especially when the two movies that dared ask this question in the eighties were hot topic material.) If you so desire...you can go there to see my answer in the comment section...but I beg, if you comment there...please come back and share your thought here as well...
I am always so amazed at how many people get righteously offended by the question...
I guess my POV is highly affected by life experience and then there the life experiences of others who really put a different spin on trading sex for money

Declare Yourself...

*photo by Mark Liddel for Declare Yourself
I love the new Jessica Alba Ad which was so BDSM inspired that I had to do a double take to see just who was wrapped up and in essence says, "Only you can Silence yourself."
I love the fact that our media not only exploits sex but is also now racing to more and more extreme and kinkier sex for marketing because it means that kink is going mainstream and if kink goes mainstream then it is only time before kinky erotica goes mainstream...
Which is evidenced by the release of "Playing" which I found, read, didn't fall madly in love with but became an avid fan of the author and will look for hopefully similar releases in the future. Seriously her writing is amazing in the fact that it explores the psychological aspects of BDSM (which if you've read my writing, you know I am all about)
Anyway, I digressed...
Declare Yourself is meant a place to help get people registered to vote, not a place to come out of the kinky closet. Which I am all about... (Yes, come out of the kinky closet, but also get registered...)
It really is as easy as going to your local Bureau of Motor Vehicles...County Office...or online at either DY or Rock the Vote.

We really can change the country but we have to have our voices heard.

Personally, I wish there was a third candidate...but I'm stuck with that horrible task of choosing the lesser of two evils just as everyone else is in this country this round...

Funny NPR story today though...interviewer went to a supermarket parking lot in a (London?suburb) and interviewed the locals about our US choices and hearing my thoughts with a British accent was bizarre and they really weren't worried about offending anyone so they just stated what they perceive...it was a beautiful laugh out loud moment.

Goddess, I want to go to the U.K. ... SOON ... like now would be good. I really need a pint in a country pub where no one knows my name...
I think I'm going on a pub hunt...
I know we have The Pub up the road but it's a cute, shiny franchise and I'm really more in the mood for dark and moody...
Hmmm..they do have their sampler though...
Anyone for a Speckled Hen?


Seven Years...

I will always hold in my mind the vision of the south tower's first hit...and its replay over and over on CNN and every other television channel on the morning of 9/11 seven years ago as our nation sat in stunned silence.

Incense and candles are burning on my alter and aside from this note wishing the survivors, our soldiers, and our nation peace, healing, and protection...the blog will be silent today in memory.


Own Your Sexuality

Soon after I started dating Sir Hotness...days...he posted this picture on his Myspace page to remind him of what my soul looked like. I think after I'd gotten over the shock that he could see me so clearly, I appreciated him even more...as a friend, as a lover, but also as that ellusive one my soul had sought for centuries.

He's told me more than once that it is because I am who I am, unwilling to wear masks, unwilling to conform to anyone's idea of who they think I should be that attracted him to me in the first place. Part of what makes me...me...is that I own my sexuality.

I found this lovely You Tube Video and I agree with most of it...but she only includes three types of orgasms vaginal, clitoral, and g-spot(and a forth is you count brain orgasms). I feel she neglected to mention anal orgasms...they happen.

She feels surprised that a woman in her fifties may have never experienced an orgasm before...again it happens. Shame about my body was instilled in my mind from an early age. My mother didn't want to address the fact that I even had breasts let alone take me to the store to actually buy a bra (how embarrassing for her.) And heaven forbid if I should have an itch "down there" because you don't touch that...

So if other womens mothers were like mine, yeah, I totally get how they were never brave enough to explore their bodies. Thank goddess, I'm a rebel, I've been touching "down there" since I was about six...

Did you grow up thinking that good girls are quiet and submissive?
Good girls don't enjoy sex?

So many contradictions. Is it any wonder I spent my youth trying so hard to be a boy?
Boys always got to have more fun and right up until the time I couldn't hide the fact that I had breasts...I was right out their amongst them...riding bikes, climbing trees, rummaging through dumpsters for treasure, fighting (oh, how many boys did I make cry because I could throw a solid punch...lol), playing war (I had to be the POW because everyone knows that the POW gets tied up!) and cops/robbers, cowboys/Indians (I always wanted to be the robber and the Indian, what does that say about my psych?) Damn it, boys had more fun...

And then I reached puberty and I found out that boys really got to have more fun.
Our world is a contradiction of gender...

Men can masturbate.
Men can have multiple partners.
Men become men when they have sex for the first time and are ofter encouraged to do so at a very early age...

The same woman who accepts that her boyfriend, lover, husband is sleeping around because he just has a lot of testosterone will be the first to call the woman he's sleeping around with A WHORE. A SLUT...

I won't own either of those labels, but I will own my sexuality.

I'll admit it...I've always hidden the fact that I masturbate. Hell, I masturbate daily, one of my safety mechanisms that kept me from being too promiscuous...And thank goddess I'm through my PRIME because all I wanted to do was masturbate. From age34-37 I could have sex for hours and still hide in the bathroom masturbating. My daily masturbation jumped from once or twice a day to ten or twelve times a day. A single lover can't keep up with that kind of need. Is it any wonder that mid-thirty a woman starts finding early-twenty males too much of a temptation to refuse?

The chemistry matches...just my theory and if you haven't hit your prime yet...you have no idea...

And since I've lived to tell, I have a WIP that is about that very subject matter...a woman's prime. More details as I work it out!

So all I'm saying is own your sexuality...your darkness and your light.

FYI: I posted at The Femme's Guide.


Sunday Funnies...On Wednesday

I'm too impatient to wait for Sunday to share
When the Kama Sutra and Vagina Meet

Performed by Rasika Mathur, comedian and co-star of MTV’s Wild ‘N Out

I'm Fine, Really

Can we take a moment to talk about prayer? I know, not the general Flog Blog Topic you're used to...

But give me a chance before you jump ship and go to the next blog.

In addition to the many components of self that make up the identity of Me, being a Reiki Master is just one on the list; however, it is also part of the very essence of who I am, and so when someone tells me the details of an ordeal or illness that they are experiencing, I'll usually say, "I'll light a candle for you." Many times what they perceive in their minds (if they don't know me) is that I am Catholic or whatever other religion that jumps into their head...yeah, I'm not. I'm actually fairly anti-religious in the part that man has corrupted spirituality into a tool of fear and power. I'm also not praying for them.

When I am lighting a candle for someone, I am doing my best to direct all of the healing energy of the Universe toward a pinpointed problem in the hope that the person will find peace within (not necessarily a cure, although that too is possible if that is their internal desire.) It's all about what is best for them, there situation, there life's journey.

So in essence this is my resume for stating that I understand the power of intention.

Intentions directs energy, energy in motion causes change. JMHO.

I really get distressed when people start throwing around the P-word. As in I'll pray for you. How do you nicely tell a person, "Please don't. I'm fine. Really," and not offend them?

Some of you may already see where this is going, some of you will still be scratching your heads in the morning even after I say that I have been trying really hard to like and admire Sarah Palin. First, potentially, she could be our very first female vice-president. That's admirable without putting any political beliefs or agendas on the table. She's also a mother, trying her best to raise a family that is inundated with challenges, a pregnant unwed teenage daughter and an infant with Down's Syndrome. She's young, forty-four, and already achieved remarkable career accolades. So yes, I admire her without a doubt.

I still want to like her.

Today, the headlines raced to grab our attention with "Sarah Palin's Church Prays Away The Gay" because the church she has attended since 2002, Wasilla Bible Church, is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays to heterosexuals through the power of prayer. MSNBC had this article.

I guess I've waited all day for a single word from the McCain/Palin camp denouncing any involvement or support for such a conference by Sarah Palin. I mean, this is the new era of the Republican Party, right? A little less conservative?

Maybe not.

I'm sorry, but I am so offended I cannot even think straight. It is like my brain is skipping as irritatingly as a scratched record (yes, I am from the generation that still had vinyl records.) I've tried to organize my thoughts but get only so far as "how dare they."

But then my brain is already pacing years ahead to the place where we have celebrated a woman as vice-president solely because she is female but neglected to study her politics. The vision of the US prior to Stonewall, before Roe vs Wade, pre-legalized marriage in CA, and pre-equality in benefits for life-partners keeps rolling through my head and it makes me physically ill.

Can we please get just a little separation of church and state? Just a little?
In the meantime, if you feel a need to pray for me..."Please, don't. I'm fine. Really."


Femmes Guide

I am now an author over at The Femmes Guide To Absolutely Everything so if you are a Femme, or a Boi or a Dyke who loves Femmes, stop by and say Hi at my inaugral post on Being Bisexual

I'll be posting once a week so add us to your subscriptions too!



For The Love Of Forums...

I belong to more than a few forums and on occasion I ask a question...
To make a long story short, I asked a question...a fairly simple 'yes' or 'no, not necessary' answerable question...

I was not expecting someone to reply with a paragraph that almost said without saying, "Why would you ask a stupid question like that?" and not only that but also, "This is why that question was so stupid."

I forced my typing fingers into a tight little fist to keep from saying what one of my college professors spouted daily oh so many years ago...

"There are no stupid questions just stupid answers."
Need I say he was a philosophy/religion professor?

So now I'm ranting here instead of there...is there any wonder I hate forums?


Has Anyone Read This Book?

The reason I ask is because "Playing" by Melanie Abrams is being tauted as Literary Fiction...but when I read the blurb and saw the cover...I saw erotica in disguise. Or maybe it's just a marketing ploy to use sex once again to sell...

Why do I care?
Oh, so, many, reasons.

First, my current WIP which was slated for an e-publisher is finished and ready to submit, but I just don't feel right submitting it...not yet...because it isn't exactly erotica. It isn't exactly chick-lit either. I had someone look at it, a professional in the publishing industry, though not an agent or an editor...

And they said, "This is ALMOST literary erotica." They immediately said, "But it's rough, you are going to have to put a lot of work into tightening it up for mainstream...but if you can...a mainstream big house can pick it up as Literary Fiction."

Of course I wanted to know the difference between Literary Fiction and Literary Erotica...

After a chuckle, the response was, "Not a damn thing."

So tonight, while perusing what's new, I find "Playing" ... looks like erotica, tauted as literary fiction ... but how does it read? Scream. I will have no chance to find it until Monday...maybe Tuesday. So, anyone?

Is this an example of Literary Erotica marketed as Literary Fiction?
I need to know...


Inaugral Post At The Femme's Guide...

Woot! Today is the inaugural posting to the blog: The Femme's Guide To Absolutely Everything!
And I am so excited!

So if you get a chance, read my post there...and comment...cause I want to hear from you!!!
