
Has Anyone Read This Book?

The reason I ask is because "Playing" by Melanie Abrams is being tauted as Literary Fiction...but when I read the blurb and saw the cover...I saw erotica in disguise. Or maybe it's just a marketing ploy to use sex once again to sell...

Why do I care?
Oh, so, many, reasons.

First, my current WIP which was slated for an e-publisher is finished and ready to submit, but I just don't feel right submitting it...not yet...because it isn't exactly erotica. It isn't exactly chick-lit either. I had someone look at it, a professional in the publishing industry, though not an agent or an editor...

And they said, "This is ALMOST literary erotica." They immediately said, "But it's rough, you are going to have to put a lot of work into tightening it up for mainstream...but if you can...a mainstream big house can pick it up as Literary Fiction."

Of course I wanted to know the difference between Literary Fiction and Literary Erotica...

After a chuckle, the response was, "Not a damn thing."

So tonight, while perusing what's new, I find "Playing" ... looks like erotica, tauted as literary fiction ... but how does it read? Scream. I will have no chance to find it until Monday...maybe Tuesday. So, anyone?

Is this an example of Literary Erotica marketed as Literary Fiction?
I need to know...

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