Sleeping Angels

Sleeping Angels

 Too Beautiful For Earth

On July 20, 2015, my grandson, KAI LUCAS CORLEY, was born sleeping.
Before that day, I had no idea that one in one hundred babies are stillborn in the US. Those statistics are startling and in no way detract from the pain of loss, but they did open my and my daughter’s eyes to a need we as women have to connect and share our stories of life, love, and loss.
Surviving the BIG Mistakes and Consequences of the BIG Mistakes were in edits, and Learning from the BIG Mistakes was being written during this sorrowful time, and I struggled with leaving certain elements of my character’s past in the story or keeping the backstory as it was. Right or wrong, I try to keep my stories based in reality with all the blood, sweat, tears, hurt feelings, and broken hearts…so I’ve chosen to keep the elements intact.

If you have experienced a stillbirth or miscarriage, my heart goes out to you, because everyone else forgets, but we women who felt that soul’s presence sharing our bodies will never forget no matter how many years go by. I would invite you to share your story on my daughter’s blog. 

Links My daughter and I love:

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