

I was supposed to be playing with grandbabies today ... instead I am working on edits for Sacred Revelations; and grandbabies get to spend the day with their Auntie.

The nice thing about edits is that you get to see how wonderful and amazing your story is after months of not seeing it and often times with a fresh I just sit back and say "Wow. I wrote that."

The horrifying thing about edits is there is so much left unsaid, unwritten ... and I am reminded I have a forth installment to write: Echos of Redemption.

There are some serious loose ends which need tied up...

The menage is being torn at by outside responsibilities, namely Thomas's whose wife and children are still in Africa and in daily danger; Thomas's brother who is also a secret agent, undercover and in constant danger; and lest we forget Eva, who is still holding a grudge against both Thomas and his brother.

And then there is Celia...
And Garrett...

Each dealing with feelings of insecurity and doubt.

I encourage you, if you have yet to start reading The Chronicles of Surrender, please mark September 7th on your calendar so you can start the series with Lyrical's rerelease of Sacred Secrets!

Sacred Secrets Excerpt

1 comment:

Y said...

i can't freakin wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!