
It's Called Multitasking...

When kids get distracted ...it's called ADD.
When white-collar workers get distracted... it's called Adult ADD/

When writer's get distracted ... it's called procrastination.

My family knows when I'm procrastinating...I mop, I vacuum, sometimes I even get out the toothbrush to do the corners that nobody really gives a shit about.

But when I'm focused...and working...
It's called multi-tasking...
It's a little MANIC.

For example, I can watch Netflix on one computer, write on a second computer, and do edits on a third computer...that's called multi-tasking in my house. It gets a little confusing sometimes, not for me, but for my family. They don't seem to understand that I can divide my attention three ways but not hear a word they say. Of course that is the perfect excuse for my teenage daughter who can always say, "I told you my plans..." followed by "You never listen to a word I say."

New house rule instated...
If it involves you being out past midnight, grab mom's face and make her read your lips.
I'm not joking.

I think today went well. Still on edits for Sacred Secrets but moving briskly along. Have I mentioned how much I love this book? This book has my heart in it and a little bit of my soul. I am soooo glad Lyrical Press is releasing as both ebook and print. This book really needs to be a page turner...real paper pages that can be folded down to mark favorite scenes...

God, I have so many favorite scenes in this book.

1 comment:

Caffey said...

Oh congrats on the print release Roxy!! You should come clean here on those days, Smile! You have a wonderful Mother's day! Thanks for the awesome reads you write!