
Woot! I Love Acceptance Letters!

This weekend just became better! Very late last night (early this morning?) I opened my email to find an acceptance letter from my new Loose-Id editor for the sequel to Voyeur! So tomorrow I will be printing the contract for EDGE and sticking it in the mail Monday...

Then the really fun part begins...filling out the blurb forms and art request forms...
Over the next few months my "baby" will get a "face"...I always look forward to what the cover artists come up with...and honestly the cover for VOYEUR was so perfect...it will be hard to top with EDGE...but I am really excited to see what they do!

Of course then the other work begins...line edits and small changes that make my story even better...what fun!

And through all of this...
I'm still writing!

Actually writing with even more intensity because there is nothing more motivating than knowing I have a new book coming out...

So all my back burners need to be ready for the heat to be turned up...and actually I'd kind of forgotten what all I do have on a back burner...

My main focus is the submission for the Bind Anthology: Prodigal Slave...damn, I hope this one gets accepted because it is probably in my mind the hottest, most emotional book I've ever written... but maybe it's just my emotion and I won't know that until someone else reads it... all I know is that my beta readers and critique partner were wowed...

Then there are the backburners...oy vey...too many to think about but all hopefully good enough to find future homes...

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