
Okay, Now That I can Talk Again...

So, I have my voice back...post-pnuemonia/bronchitis scourge that is was...although I swear it is now an octave higher...and sometimes I sound like a teenage boy trying to work it out LOL...

Anyway, I've decided that it is time to fire up the TalkCasts again and am looking for some feedback...so please email me at roxyharte at gmail dot com or comment in the comment box ... even if you feel you need to do so anonymously...

Q1: What day/time would you be more likely to join in a podcast? I'm thinking Monday night or Wednesday night at 10pm...

I was doing Friday nights but my attendance was low...even though I have a post-recording listener attendance... so I figure Friday night is bad or everyone s REALLY SHY!

Q2: Topics of interest... was would you find interesting to talk about (BDSM related of course)

I've covered "what makes erotica erotic" although I still have lots more to say about it ... and every time I go to the bookstore and pick up the publisher's version of **WARNING: THIS HAS A VERY HOT, EXPLICIT BDSM CONTENT ... I have even more to say ... like ... WHO is RATING this stuff? And have they ever had sex? Don't get me started!

Here's my disclaimer ... after a new novel comes out ... that week I will be talking about that book and those characters ... other than that ... give me some ideas.

Here are mine ... interviews ... maybe authors, maybe players into BDSM, social networking gurus ... BDSM and fetish ... breaking the taboo barriers in erotica ... reader input as to what turns them on in erotica ... How to create healthy BDSM relationships ...

Okay, so now it is your turn! Speak up!! I want to have a podcast this week or next at the latest.


Anonymous said...

I think Friday nights are always tough... but I do not have data to back it up.

I would try to find a way to see what days tend to have the most popular talkcasts to get an idea what days tend to be best.

Y said...

hmmmm, well i am game for any night...is that sad or what? lol. as far as ideas for topics i will have to get back to you. i am looking forward your next talk-cast.