
Sir Hotness is Home!

Whew...it seems like life has gone crazy with Sir Hotness's new job...gone M-F home on the weekends...we're discovering (or maybe it's just me) that a lot of stuff that we need to talk about keeps getting pushed from weekend to weekend but then never gets talked about because we are just looking at each others faces:)

Nothing big...but for example, my headset/microphone has been messed up so I can't hear anything even though I think the mic is working...and I want to do a TalkCast now that I can actually talk again without coughing up a lung...the last two weekends I haven't even mentioned it...today Sir Hotness picked up his old (20 yrs old) headset and asked me why it was out and I told him I've been using it since mine aren't working, triggering the "Oh yeah, we need to talk about this...conversation."

And there are tons of conversations like that that we need to have...

Communication is such an important part of every relationship and it feels like to me that our "talking time" has been reduced to "Hi there, I'm SOOOOOOO glad you are home." and "I'm going to miss you, have a safe trip."

Of course the stuff we do in between the hello and the goodbye is awesome fun...I'm not sure it counts as communication...but then, maybe it does:)

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