Ever wake up remembering every horrifying second of a really bad dream? Ever wake up after having a really bad dream and feel like there was someone in the room with you? How about touching you? Intimately?
Holy crap...that was my 5:30am... and since I'd written until after 3am...not going back to sleep has been regrettable...because I'm in a horrid mood, but going back to sleep was also impossible because for the first hour after waking...I was seriously too terrified to move.
I joked this morning on Twitter that I should write a book about it, wondering if Stephen King did collaborations...I don't know if a book will come of it...but so far a rough outline has. A 3K word outline and not the type of book I normally write. No, this is much, much darker...having BDSM, stalkers, paranormal activity, voodoo, and a police investigation into murder (plus a Stephen King darkness that would chill your blood...because I was that scared...and the dream was that freaking convincing.)
I actually Reiki'ed myself for an hour after I woke up to try to relax...when that didn't work I sent a Reiki field of protection around my house...
I tried to explain it to Sir Hotness but I don't think he got it but then he wasn't the one who woke up convulsing mid-orgasm with the feeling of pain shooting through his ribs from the imaginary butcher knife from my dreams...or with the face of the sadistic stalker forever branded in his brain...
The scary truth is a dog can't protect me from my own imagination and really, a quick dream analysis would probably explain 90% of it... it's just that 10% I can't explain...the pressure against my ribs that obviously wasn't a knife but was real and hurt like fucking hell.
whoa! that sounds sooo scary, do you think that the nightmare could be from the uh...fear of another stalker?
i hate nightmares, since my dreams are always SOOO vivid and real.
So how is miss Jazzmine?
Sounds like a night terror... reality based dreams that you are really awake during(incorrect English, but you get the idea).
And I think the dog would help. Another warm body in the middle of the night. She sounds like a cutie by the way.
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