
Grey Skies...

I awoke to temperatures that would fool me into thinking I was in Florida...but horrible grey skies too depressing to consider ... Another yucky day in Ohio...another yucky day for me.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired...

Today I slept until 12:30pm...then I did the strenuous task of taking a shower, chugging steamy hot Thera-Flu, and got almost dressed before taking a nap because the shower wore me out...

It's now five and I'm wondering where the day went. I started out with big plans, an entire chapter of A Submissive's Journey brewingin my brain, but no luck purging it onto the page. This blog post is taking all I've got to give and it is totally uninspiring. Crimey, I'll be glad to start feeling better soon.

Hopefully, none of you readers are sick...and if you are, I'm feeling you.
As a matter of fact, I'm going to take a nap now for anyone who needs one...

But first I wanted to share an image from this site:

The images defy the decades, but these remarkable pictures date back almost 100 years to the Edwardian age and the dawn of colour 'autochrome' photography. They are part of the exhibition The Dawn of Colour: Centenary of the Autochrome at the National Media Museum

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