
Middle of The Night Wonder...

Why is it that I only write at night?
It's a mystery to me how I can sit around all day, waiting for inspiration, staring at a blank page, fall into bed exhausted from doing absolutely nothing all day (at 10pm) only to wake up at midnight...not wide awake but mindfully awake. What I mean is this...I knew I was awake because I looked at the clock and the red LCD 12:00 glared back at me...I threw the cat out of the bedroom, drank some water...laid back down feeling "awake" but maybe only thinking I was awake because it semmed I was also dreaming...but not really dreaming...plotting...and trust me when I say, that whether dreaming or plotting, Lord Fyre is a magnificent man to be running amok in my brain...

It's that magic moment that I try to describe to Sir Hotness...
I feel like I'm awake and even appear to be awake but I'm not really awake...
It's that moment when...don't say a word...or this thought will be gone..because like dreams...plot lines are wispy bits of nothing, dissolving into thin air...poof! unless they are written down...

That's why most of my notes are sketched out in the dark, almost unreadable until morning...because I refuse to turn on a light...or if it's morning...I refuse to open my eyes...just grabbing paper and pen, and writing, hoping it will be legible...until the idea is completely out of my head...

Then...the lights go on...and damn, it's 4 a.m. ...
Where in the hell did four hours go?

I look at the pages before me, litterally scribbles, and hug them close, thankful that I was awake enough to get the thoughts from my head to the page without brreaking the spell...thankful that I was asleep enough to dream it out...

The problem is now, that I really am wide awake...and I won't be sleeping...because the wispy thoughts now need fleshed out...and there are pages that need typed...

Sir Hotness returns today...I can't wait. I've missed him more than I ever believed possible...

It's snowing...maybe it will be another SNOWDAY...maybe the snow will be a good enough excuse to get me out of the three dreaded commitments that I really want out of for this morning...

Hell, I'm WRITING...I think that's a good enough excuse to cancel absolutely everything today!! (Except for Sir Hotness's welcome home celebration)

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