
Writing...Agents...and Spam...

I am working on three projects simutaneously...
Unholy Promises for Liquid Silver Books ... I really want to have it to them by Dec. 20 which is four mmonths later than I originally planned...and I apologize. Kitten didn't ike the way the story was going and so she stopped speaking to me for a bit; however, I believe that issue is resolved so long as I don't try to "take over" the story again. For a submissive she's pretty high maintenance...LOL.

A Submissive's Journey for Loose-Id ... I really, really want to get this one to my editor by the end of November so it will be the main focus for the next three and a half weeks.

A new project that isn't far enough along to even really comment on but one that is taking me away from working on everything else I have on the back burner at the moment ... including the short story I was trying to put together with my crit partner Xandra ... Originally titled Full Moon ... and actually my editor has this short looking at it to hopefully give me an opinion...

I have an agent meeting on the 10th...
Hopefully we'll like each other and she'll like my work...

And finally...
Spambots suck...I have had to enable the word verification on comments but I did take off the moderation so posts will be seen immediately but hopefully all commenting will be human and not trying to sell faux-viagra because they assume I am a porn site...

Also, if you are human and reading this and reside anywhere in the UK, Nigeria, or Timbuk-fucking-tu and REALLY want to give me money that I have inherited, or won, or damn, you just really love my writing THAT much that you have a spare $363,453. that needs to be claimed, awarded, or just transfered to someone elses account ... I DON'T WANT YOUR MONEY ...HONEST ... I ENJOY LIVING PAYDAY TO PAYDAY ... (which incidentally is a step up from the Yogini Vow of Poverty that I released back to the universe) so stop using my blog account to email me! Seriously. Fifty to a hundred emails a week promising me such funds is just a waste of my time, your time, and now...because I am publically addressing this...my reader's time.

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