
Chronicles of Surrender

Dear Readers,

Some of you have noticed that my Chronicles of Surrender are no longer available due to issues I will not publicly air. While this greatly saddens me, rest assured the series CHRONICLES OF SURRENDER is not doomed forever and will be up under the flag of a new publisher soon. I already working on arrangements for just that to happen as soon as possible.

The bigger news is that I am currently working on the menage a trois's, better known as Kitten, Garrett, and Lord Fyre, SEQUEL!! Yes, you read right! There will be RESURRECTION RUMORS.

If I had a wish it would be that all of you could have finished reading the series before being locked out by the take down. My apologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced but rest assured they will be back very soon!


Y said...

gracious, i am so far behind, i am sorry to hear about this. any new news on the "chronicle" series? i always loved it. Hoping things are well with you!!!

Y said...

i was sorry to read this. I hope you have some good news about your "chronicle" series... been re-reading your books lately. so fun!

Unknown said...

Hi Roxy,
I just read Sacred Secrets, and loved it. I was looking forward to reading the other books in the series. Sorry to hear about the difficulties you've been facing with getting the series out in the stores. Any news on when they might be available again in eBook format? Can't wait to see what happens!

Anonymous said...

I just read book 1 from amazon but I guess book 2 isn't available yet. Is it available on eReaders anywhere? Any ideas on when it will be available? I loved book 1!! And am going through withdraw and I just finished it 10 min ago :(