
Actually I'm Gay Makes Top Seller List

Woot! So excited!! Actually I'm Gay has made Loose-Id's Top Seller List Two Weeks in a row... What a great feeling:)

If you read the blurb you learn that Colin admits to his wife he is gay, believing they are good enough friends to continue to raise their autistic son together...he never expects she will leave them both...and he doesn't even begin to dream he might ever find true love. In a word, his situation is dire. In all honesty he doesn't know where to even start with his son because they have no relationship...

What the blurb doesn't tell you is how much autism research went into writing this book. I knew if this book was ever to see publishing I had to get the details right. 

There's also a lot of internalizing on my part. I've never been a writer to take shortcuts. I tend to make my characters suffer emotionally...

This poor guy has had the carpet pulled out from under him, right? I should take it easy on him? Not a chance! No, I'd rather stick him smack dab in the middle of a hate crime and let him figure out on his own that his past has finally caught up with him and more than one person wants him dead...

I loved writing this story! I loved the research, the angst, and really making my characters squirm. I hope you love it too! Let me know what you think:)

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