
When A Friend Emails Happiness...

I love surprises in my email...

I woke up this morning to a beautiful note from a beautiful man, Lord Shadow, who has been my friend for more than a decade and my soulfriend for more than one lifetime.

So as Sir Hotness French pressed coffee and I swigged Pepsi...we woke up to the lovely sounds of this collaborative effort by playingforchange.com

Stand By Me:


Y said...

i love this video! my brother e-mailed it to me last week! isn't it great? i haven't talked to you in a while, i hope all is well with you.

Roxy Harte said...

Hi Y
Everything is good...
Daughter may not be moving to Nome after all, the company she was being considered by had some sizable cutbacks etc with the new year but I think she's still hopeful to find something in the biggest state! She's a paramedic...so hopefully she can find something;)

All okay with you? and the kids and hubby?


Y said...

paramedic huh? my sister is a flight paramedic!
Yup, things are good with my family. we are beginning to play with the idea of moving to a bigger town. I LOVE it here, but it is soooo expensive. I just bought 50 gal of heating fuel and had to pay $6/gal, *ugh* i really don't want to move, but I am weighing the pro and cons. Still trying to read, but the kids are just getting over being sick, so there wasn't much time to read last week. I will let you know when I finish it though.

Roxy Harte said...

Ohhh...a flight paramedic was what she was interviewing for. Very disappointed now...

Trying to find another position available so she's hopeful...I hate to see her go someplace where the cost of living is so high though. I guess there are pros and cons...she's looking for smaall town and the isolation aspect of working with different ttribes was the real draw...

Would your hubby's work allow you to move?

Jolie Cain said...

This video was great, Roxy. I hadn't seen it before. Thanks for sharing!