
Change! Hope! Repression...

Congratulations, Mr. President!

The news reports as I drove to work focused on the enormous historical achievement on the part of Barrack Obama to become elected as president. Strange, I never really considered his race or the impact it would have in the lives of African-Americans when I voted. I focused on the change I want to see in this country. True equality...not only for race but also for gender, sexuality, and religion.

Along with my hope for change, I'd like to see our country embrace publicly funded preschool and daycare; end any plans to build the Great Wall of Mexico; and increase the number of jobs in the US; and seriously reevaluate what a minimum wage is and increase the dollar amount to match our current cost of living in the USA.

I could add to the list...
but I would rather express my heartfelt horror on what happened in CA. Seriously, unbelievable in my mind that Californians were even voting on whether gays and lesbians have a right to marry. Ending the small glimmer of hope that soon gays and lesbians will ever be granted the same rights in all 50 states...

I was also disappointed by my own Ohioans who refused to vote in a casino that would have created more than 10000 jobs in the most impovrished county in Ohio...

So as much as I was elated for our new president, I was equally sadden and disappointed in the small mindedness that led to the decisions that will affect thousands...

Taking time for Gratitude:
1. I live in the United States
2. I have the right to vote
3. My daughters and granddaughters will have more opportunities than I had

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