
No Longer Second Class Citizens...

At least in California, as of yesterday, gays and lesbians have earned a huge boon by being allowed to marry...

Maybe it's because we live in the United States and over 200 years ago this country was founded by religious fanatics...but most days, I just don't get it...

How many years were blacks enslaved...sent to the back of the bus...not allowed to share the facilities of Caucasians, including water fountains and restaurants? Too long...it should have never been that way...

Don't even get me started on the subjugation of women...yes we have the right to vote, burn our bras, and supposedly have equal opportunity in the career world...but how many men actually, honestly, see women as their equals? Isn't there always that...yeah but...? Thank the patriarical fundamentalist religious right for keeping those same men fueled with the idea that women are less...okay, just my opinion...don't freak out on me and tell me how enlightened your husband is because I have a pretty enlightened man myself these days...however, we also can all also recognize a chauvinist when we run across one...

Now, in the state of California, gays have (once again) been given the right to marry. I shall hold my confetti throwing for the day when every person in the United States is treated like a human being with equal rights...

Already, opponents of same-sex marriage said they had gathered more than one million signatures to place a constitutional amendment on the November ballot that would define marriage as between a man and woman, and effectively undo Thursday’s decision.

I just don't understand the problem here...
How does my right as a human being, wanting to marry another human being affect any other human regardless of our gender?

Can we please keep church and state separate on this one? I don't care what any one's religious beliefs are as long as their beliefs don't interfere with my ability to live happily ever after...

Comments? Reactions? Is anyone besides me almost celebrating?

1 comment:

Craig Daniels said...

Ah a very nice post, thanks for taking the time to express it.

I just wrote a 100 word story about oppression of all and women in particular. got a second check it out. and welcome back to Utterz

the podcast is entitled Strangle Me it is at http://www.washthebowl.com