
Hours Of Orgasms

I find some of the best stuff surfing the web. Take the essay on Expanded Orgasm from 24 Health...
"Expanded Orgasm is the art and science of expanding both sensual awareness and consciousness through giving and receiving genital stimulation. Expanded Orgasm uses one’s own pathways of body, mind, emotion and spirit to create maximum expansion opportunities - the goal and focus being simply to feel as much pleasure potential as possible." Patricia Taylor, PhD.

I suggest reading the entire article...then check out this book...
Expanded Orgasm: Soar to Ecstasy at Your Lover s Every Touch
which really expands on the idea of how to use touch to achieve "Expanded Orgasms."

The history of Expanded Orgasm goes back to 1976 when Vic Baranco gave a woman a three hour orgasm. However, the principle of this can be traced back thousands of years to ancient times.

So you are probably asking why you should care...that is if you haven't experienced it for yourself...

First, lets look at the typical orgasm...it may take a long time to build up to, but the actual pleasure takes only seconds and then poof...done. For most women (and men) that's it...

But that doesn't have to be it...what if that is only the beginning? Imagine being in that orgasmic state for an hour...that any part of your body could become orgasmic...

You owe it to yourself to do some investigation. Luckily for me, I had a very gifted lover who shared the concept with me...

It took running into this article today that I decided I should pass the amazement of the Extended Orgasm on to all of my readers.

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