

I want to send a big thank you to Xandra Gregory, my faithful critique partner of the past decade for talking me through all of the issues I've been struggling over with Lord Fyre's story. I've been promising it for what seems like forever, but at 80K words, I wasn't feeling it...and if it isn't good enough for me...I know it won't be good enough for you, dear readers.

Lord Fyre is my favorite...and being true not to a romantic formula but to the very essence of Lord Fyre's character has been his strength until now. My problem has been tring to make him fit into the role of romantic hero, or at the very least romantic anti-hero, and that has been like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole...and it just isn't going to work. Lord Fyre defies convention and I am going to stay true to the man.

At any rate, I have some bare bones ideas for where I went wrong (at about the 40K word mark) and a basic plan on how to bring the story back to where it needs to be.

In the meantime, I am 8K words into the short story I started on Monday and am feeling pretty good about being able to submit it to Loose-Id by Valentines day, sooner if at all possible.

And this morning, I did myself a huge favor when I woke up with a complete novel in my head...I outlined the idea and stuck it in a folder...I am not starting any new projects until I get what is currently on my desktop submitted to all the places they are promised to...

So if my blogging becomes spuradic, forgive me. I have a lot of writing to do.

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