
Reader Mail!

I love getting mail from my readers...it keeps me writing after three a.m. when I should be sleeping...

As many of you know, having been awaiting Unholy Promises, this Chronicle has been a struggle and remains so...but I have been filling my time with Vow of Silence, which seems to be writing itself. So getting encouraging mail always helps...

Dear Roxy,
I just wanted you to know that I loved Sacred Secrets and Sacred Revelations. I was so excited to hear that Lord Fyre was getting his own book! Please tell me that it is going to be available soon! I can't wait! Lord Fyre had me from the moment he flicked his lighter...and then, when he raped Kitten's mouth with his tongue...yeah, that sealed the deal. I want him! NEED HIM! Please tell me he will be available soon!

Wow. I'm glad you feel that way Candice...I had been afraid that having Fyre Flick his Bic might be too much for readers,so it is nice to know that you loved that scene. I know I loved writing that scene...it reminds me of who Fyre is at his center and your letter woke me up to what is wrong with Unholy Promises... so thank you. I am tearing into Unholy today and flicking Lord Fyre with my Bic...I'll keep you posted.

At the request of Y, a huge Sacred fan, I am devoting the Nov 30th Talk Cast to Erotic Character Development...so if you have fallen in love with Garrett (Lewd Larry), Celia (Kitten), Thomas (Lord Fyre), George (Dr.Psycho), or Jackie...please call in and have your questions ready about these main players ... and if you, like me, want to know if any of the secondary characters have future starring roles ... Morgana, Tom, Enrique ... we can talk about that too.

**I used Viggo Mortensen as the face for this blog post because their are very few male actors who have the kind of scary darkness to pull off Lord Fyre. Viggo has potential...

1 comment:

Y said...

YAY! i am going to re-read your books so i can come up with some good questions *grin* and i am going to set an alarm on my laptop for the day of the talkcast so this time i WON'T miss it!
lookin forward to the fun,