What is it?
The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom is a national organization committed to creating a political, legal, and social environment in the United States that advances equal rights of consenting adults who practice forms of alternative sexual expression. NCSF is primarily focused on the rights of consenting adults in the SM-leather-fetish, swing, and polyamory communities, who often face discrimination because of their sexual expression.
This is where you want to go if you are in need of a KINK AWARE professional...maybe a doctor or a lawyer that understands that you are not only kinky but will not pass judgement because you are... Or, if you are a professional and KINK Aware...please go register...
Here's where I get to put in personal story A:
When I was twenty-two and still fairly self conscious about going to an OB/GYN anyway, I needed to go to get stitches because a little overvigorous play went awry... first the doctor didn't believe that I got hurt in the manner I said I did... "vigorous play" because in his words, "Sex can't do this I don't care how vigorous it was."
Boy, do I have news for him...
Then, he had not one but two nurses and another doctor come into the little room and check out my torn twat...
Yeah, I could have died...especially after being asked the third time..."How did you do this?"
I needed a KINK AWARE professional...but I didn't know they existed...
Here is another place you should go and visit, just so you will feel more educated tonight before you go to bed...The website is called Sex In The Public Square.
And do a small favor by filling out this survey if you are in anyway involved in the BDSM Community...NCFS Violence and Discrimination Survey ... because just because we like to tie each other up and spank each other, doesn't mean that anyone else in the world gets to bully or hurt us just because we're different...
Thanks for your time and attention
I can definitely see where the kink aware doctor would be a good person to have in your life if you're into over vigorous play. Most doctors are trained to read between the lines of abused women who won't ask for help. Imagine the physical signs of vigorous play staring them in the face, so to speak. And someone insisting it was consensual.
I can see many reasons a kink aware doctor would be in high demand. And it probably wouldn't be hard to 'advertise' his or her services.
Oh, I forgot to mention I popped over from Rhian's blog. Congratulations on your Silver Star story!
"...The NCSF is a national organization committed to creating a political, legal, and social environment in the United States that advances equal rights of consenting adults who practice forms of alternative sexual expression..."... and do not mind engaging in the overvigorous use of vile American Misspelling Conventions and flogging the English language to within a centimetre of its life.
The word 'organisation' has no 'z'!
Vesicovaginal fistula is an abnormal fistulous tract(hole) extending between the bladder and the vagina that allows the continuous involuntary discharge of urine into the vaginal vault.
I see this condition quite often while doctoring in S.E. Asia. Usually caused by overvigorous play between 50 year old Weatern men and 10 year old local girls. Your OBS/GYN should not be maligned too much.
As often as I'm editted for using European spellings, for example colour and grey, I am raely corrected using an Americanized spelling ie organization vs the European organisation...
However, thanks for pointing it out:)
I am also human and make typos...rarely...LOL
Humour is also spelled with the extra 'u'
I'm glad you possess a sense there of.
Regarding your editors - perhaps they too are Yankees?
Engilsh spelling, not European.
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