
Who Can Convert L to $ ?

So, I found this print called BEACHBOUND by Lochai that I want DESPERATELY...but I am absolutely horrible with money conversion...so who can tell me what 35L would be in US dollars??

I really, really need this (if Sir is reading today it would make a FAB 1st Anniversary gift ...
ooooh...another thought, since he's in South Florida and I've been DYING for a few days on South Beach...maybe we could fly down, photo shoot, fly back...voila, personalized wall art for the bedroom!! Yay! How much fun would that be? Assuming you could sweet talk him into a photo shoot and assuming you stop feeding me those totally ORGASMIC meals of late and assuming I can drop that extra twenty I've gained since you've been in charge of the kitchen:)
other than all that ... sounds like a good time ... so think about it, K?

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