
Pledge Week

I have a question...is every week pledge week at PBS television? Because maybe it's just me...but wow they have a lot of money drives...

Last night for instance (yes, I was sitting home in front of the telly on a Friday night...not drinking or playing in the mud and trust me...after the Friday I had...drinking should have been on the agenda...) I sat watching My Music: The British Beat which could be mine, the entire 2-DVD box set that is...for only $250...which I would actually like to have, however, I'm looking for the bargain set, nothing against PBS...but really Two Fifty?? For Two DVD's?

I gotta find this set cheaper than Two Fifty...arrrrghhhhh!

On a brighter note, but also musical...and thanks so much to my friend who only on occasion Remembers Her Name ... if not her passwords ... and loves Mohito's almost as much as I do ... and occasional fills in when Sir Hotness isn't available as my hot date ... for providing this in my email...because after the day I had...THIS made my heart happy again...Thanks DJ

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and for those of you too young to remember The Who in their glory days...ahem...I missed Woodstock because I was only five and wasn't tall enough to hitch a ride...but hey, I still LOVED...LOVED....STILL LOVE THEM!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My pleasure to get to fill in for Sit Hotness at any time! Divine guidance brought us together as friends and I am so very grateful as your friendship adds flavor, color, meaning and joy to my life! And that isn't the mohitos talking! DJ