I spent most of the last three days distractedly inside my own head to the point of Sir Hotness becoming concerned..."No I'm not mad"..."No, nothing's wrong"..."I'm sorry, I'm thinking..."
Obviously Sir Hotness is not used to Writing Girl ... even though I warned him. Sometimes I just go inside my own head...and stay there...until I have something worth saying...and then I start writing...
Last night Sir Hotness joined the process, "Just tell me what's in your head."
"Really, you don't want to know...it's a mess in there. What I need is clarification of what I'm thinking...help me summarize the Great Novel in one sentence...you can help me with that."
"Sure, I can do that. Tell me what it's about."
Brave words...
Two hours later, I think I took a breath...to find him sipping wine and just looking at me..."Wow."
An hour after that he handed me the summary in a single sentence to clarify the direction of where this book is going...
(I love you, Sir Hotness, to the depth of my soul for "getting me".)
After waking-sleeping-thinking all night, it was nice to wake up to Patti Smith...in video so you can better appreciate it...
Click here if embed blocked
More Patti Smith MP3 of Without Chains...listen to the words...powerful.
Today, I'm off to buy Patti Smith's Twelve
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