
Steamy Blog on Trial

Today in the news there is a report titled: Steamy Blog Lawsuit Heads for Trial...
here's the blah, blah...written by Matt Apuzzo, AP, Washington, who started the article, "When Robert Steinbuch discovered his girlfriend had discussed intimate details about their sex life in her online diary, the Capitol Hill staffer didn't just get mad. He got a lawyer."

So yeah, he got my attention...There are a lot of us out here in the blogworld who not only blog about random day-to-day in and outs but also about the oh so sweaty, steamy make me scream stuff...and yes, I keep it mostly PG to R because I have daughters who peek in from time to time but there are others, bloggers who I enjoy reading on a regular basis, who do not keep it even remotely R...Their philosophy seems to be: the more graphic the better...and I can appreciate that.

But what happens when today's significant other becomes tomorrow's ex with an attitude and is suddenly embarrassed or even down-right outraged by the blog still up for all eyes to see (and quite potentially now blogging about the ex is a less than flattering light.) Will we all be suing each other over TMI?

In the Washington tale as reported by Matt, "Jessica Cutler, a former aide to Sen. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, says she created the blog in 2004 to keep a few friends up to date on her social life."

Sure, that's what we're all doing, keeping our friends up to date on our escapades.
Maybe. Then again, maybe we're just doing what Jessica did:

Again, as reported by Matt, "Jessica Cutler wrote a book about her blog, called 'The Washingtonienne,' and her online posts were picked up by other bloggers."

Yeah, it could happen...
Every escapade I have, in and out of the bedroom, in and out of the dungeon, or in and out of public play spaces everywhere may be blogged about, written about, and published. Most of my friends know that they are taking a big chance when they share TMI with me...They may end up on the written page though their names are changed to protect their innocence or lack thereof...

The New Hotness was warned on the first date that I not only write erotica, but I blog about my private life, and to speak now, or forever hold your peace...

That's my policy, I ask friends once...and then with verbal permission given...I run with it. Saves the hassle of them finding out from a friend of a friend that their life is being immortalized in written word. New Hotness has so far been okay with the little tidbits leaked. He may or may not be impressed if he finds moments of shared bliss more explicit in nature tucked into a book here or there. Who knows. I think it's a complement, because DAMN, if it was hot enough to add into a chapter of one of my books, it must have been a really good time.

Maybe that's what Jessica should have done, been upfront and honest, then her Washington playmate wouldn't be trying to get a piece of her royalties.

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