
Additional Santa Gift Ideas

after reading amazing testamonials I decided to check out the Vaginal Sucker myself...and no the model isn't me...go here to see on the shelf
The ad promises,"Much like a blood flow rush to the penis helps keep stimulation for the male this Vagina Pump helps the woman do the same thing, but bringing an increased flow of blood to her clitoris thereby increasing sensitivity and stimulations. The outer cup is placed directly over the vagina and pumping begins. While pumping you can watch your labia grow as the blood flows inside and you'll feel arousal. Once done you can enjoy a nice full labia and heighten sexual sensations."

If you decide to add this to your Santa List...do shave in advance of play...


Anonymous said...

Er... This may just be wishful thinking, but shouldn't the guy be working everything correctly so that you naturally have an increased blood flow in that region.

If you have to stop and pump up first there might be larger issues.

If, however, it is being used to make you sooo sensitive that the play will dance between pleasure and pain... well than, that is something else.

Roxy Harte said...

You make a very valid point, Lila...and it's my personal belief that if your partner isn't working hard enough to do the job, you probably need a new partner...

That said, and since Santa hasn't arrived yet...I can only speculate on how sensitive things become...