
On My Mind Today

Life Smacks Us Sometimes...
Yesterday, I was rear-ended sitting at a stop light, minding my own business. The man who did the rearending decided he should run the readlight because it was getting ready to turn green and was furious with me for not knowing to get out of his way. Go figure. In truth, I think he was going so fast, anticipating the change of light, he didn't even see me in front of him. Sometimes life is like that...we look so far ahead that we don't see what's in front of our faces.

I try to stay in the moment but it is really hard...planning a day or two or three in advance as is necesary in my day to day, it's easy to have my mind so focused on the prize that I forget to breathe.

Yesterday, I was so hopped up on endorphines I didn't pay much attention to my body post accident...everything worked, nothing broken, no blood...I'm good. Today, I woke up to no endorphines and I'm moving a little slow...but I don't have time for slow. It's one of those days I should be going full speed for the next fourteen hours. I'll be focusing on my breathing a lot today.

Pink Isn't Dead Yet
If you haven't checked out her new CD yet...do. It's awesome.

The Last Three Chaprters of Sacred Revelations...
I really need to get this book to my edit but I've typed and deleted the last three chapters so many times at this point that I'm ready to send it to her minus the last three and let her tell me how to end it. Kidding. One of my fans, who I have a constant banter going these days told me to "Finish it already--your fans are waiting! Do what Garrett wants for once because it's always about Celia."

It's something to think about.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Sorry to hear about your accident, Roxy. I'm glad you are doing okay and take it easy today.