
Euro Review

Thank you to Xandra Gregory (who is watching out for me while I kill myself at the "real job") for calling me to tell me the exciting news that Sacred Secrets had its first review!! And thank you to Annie for doing said review at EuroReviews!!

Annie said, "Sacred Secrets: A Chronicle of Surrender is one very scorching tale of BDSM, romance, unexpected impossible attractions, and sensuality. No reader ought to miss this one. Even the BDSM elements are underscored in a manner that is tasteful even when explicit. Roxy Harte has performed an excellent job in this book, of intriguing the reader and eliciting sympathy with all the major characters, with few exceptions. I found myself turning page after page with heart in mouth waiting for the next step, the next revelation. This is a don’t-miss story."

I am very hopped up and excited about getting the sequel, Sacred Revelations) into LSB's hands asap!

Click here to BUY Sacred Secrets today!

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