
Feline Persona...

I love this picture so much...

It's a funny thing that when I first started writing the Chronicles of Surrender, I belonged to a writing group and the first comment was something like, "A cat? She's pretending to be a cat and that's somehow sensual?"

Oh yeah...sensual...hot...smokin'...



Mick Collins said...

She does seem to know her place. Hope you sold some books...we need to order one, particularly since we are "neighbors". Maybe we can meet you and get one autographed someday, Roxie.

Mick and Molly

Roxy Harte said...

Sounds like a wonderful plan, Mick and Molly.

Roscoe James said...

A flog blog! You promise?

Roxy Harte said...

Consider yourself flogged, Roscoe;)

Babyblue22 said...

Loving it!