
Crazy Writing Week...

Sorry I haven't had a lot of real me updates, seems like the last few weeks have been crazy hectic...in case your life has been as crazy as mine. Here's the official update:

Youngest Daughter started college, YAY
Ohio Renaissance Festival opened and I am ale wenching again this year!

Missed last two episodes of Trueblood, I'm an addict so that is a tragedy indeed. Hoped to catch a bit on You Tube but no such luck... I did however find a vid that combines clips from Trueblood and Marilyn Manson (another fav:) which is awesome, amazing:

And finally, in writing news...
REAPER - August 31st
Sacred Secrets - September 7th

Coming Soon:
Prodigal Slave - cover art completed this week, still awaiting release date
So You Want A Job - no cover art yet - projected Oct 16
Sacred Revelations - cover art completed, still awaiting release date

WIP's in progress
Survival - m/m - submitted
Cowboy - wrote 20K last two days...

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