
Midnight Magic

At midnight we went to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince...
As always there were scenes I wished had been expanded on...scenes I thought went too long...but I enjoyed it thoroughly none the less as an Addition-To the book. No one should judge the work solely by this one movie...

Here's the trailer if you haven't seen it yet...

Pleasant surprises:
The depth in which Tom Felton portrayed Draco Malfoy. Read an article about his role and the man(yes, over the years all of the boys in this film have become men.)

Tom Felton definitely steals the show as far as character growth. I wish I could say that about the rest of the ensemble...but perhaps that wasn't the fault of their acting ability but a weakness of the script because there was plenty of grit in the book to have gained inspiration from...


Jolie Cain said...

i can't wait to see it, but i'm waiting a week or so for the crowd to die down.

Roxy Harte said...

you would have hated last night then!! awesome time! Yelling, cheering, whistling, stomping feet!

Good time!