
I'm Just Not In The Mood...

It happens to all of us at one point in another in our lives ... but when it does ... we're made to feel like we are the only person on the planet who just doesn't feel like having sex ...

We're pummelled with thoughts of sex and sexual innuendos, media, and advertising (print, radio, and television) all day long, but after a fourteen or sixteen hour day of work, children, caring for a parent, volunteer activities, grocery shopping and all of that wonderful wasted time behind a wheel of a car, the last thing on our minds is the race to get naked and under the sheets with our partner ...

So what's a girl (or guy) to do?

First, slow down ...
Intimacy sets the tone...
What happens soon after we commit to that relationship that started so hot is that the sparks soon get replaced by the day to day junk...

But remember when you could sit for hours gazing into your partners eyes? Remember when the act of just making eye contact sent a tingle down your spine?

Taking the time to gaze into someone's eyes and letting them feel non-verbally that you are lusting after them triggers a sexual response...

So now, that I have you slowed down enough to think about it ... what else did you used to do when nothing was as important as that new hot, guy in your life?

Flirting, pillow talk, phone sex, cyber sex??
I was trying to remember the last time I actually called Sir Hotness and got him "worked up" while I was driving home. Too long.

I may have to surprise him with a phone call later today:)

Want to join me? Let's put some HOT back into our relationships and soon we'll all be racing home just to get naked and between the sheets again:)


1 comment:

Y said...

I TOTALLY know what you mean! I was just thinking about this the other day. I was watching T.V. and I just felt "over sexed" by all of the shows and commercials. It sorta put me out of any hint of a mood, but i didn't want my man to... suffer for it.
Latley I have been trying to take time out of my day to just think about him what an incredibly awesome and supportive husband he is. So that when he comes home there will be hope for my mood or lack thereof. LOL