Following July Fourth, I've lingered over thoughts concerning what it is to be an American. I have so many freedoms...
I do?
Did you know?
Paganism is a legally recognized religion in the United States with our Churches and Temples qualifying for 501C3 tax exemption. Yet the laws governing non-discrimination based on religion do not apply to us.
Our military personel who have died in service to this country are being denied the right to have a sign of their faith put on their headstones.
Laws are being passed in individual states giving organizations accepting government funding the right to refuse to hire teachers on religious grounds.
Our children are being denied the right to wear symbols of our faith in school yet other religions are being allowed to wear symbols of their faith with no punishment involved.
Employees are being terminated because they have asked to be off on religious Holy days Pagans celebrate, and forced to be off work while non-Pagan employees celebrate their Holy days.
Hate crimes are being committed against us, yet it is unheard of for anyone to be arrested and charged with a hate crime.
We are the fastest growing Religion within the United States. We do not want special treatment, simply equal treatment.
I do?
Did you know?
Paganism is a legally recognized religion in the United States with our Churches and Temples qualifying for 501C3 tax exemption. Yet the laws governing non-discrimination based on religion do not apply to us.
Our military personel who have died in service to this country are being denied the right to have a sign of their faith put on their headstones.
Laws are being passed in individual states giving organizations accepting government funding the right to refuse to hire teachers on religious grounds.
Our children are being denied the right to wear symbols of our faith in school yet other religions are being allowed to wear symbols of their faith with no punishment involved.
Employees are being terminated because they have asked to be off on religious Holy days Pagans celebrate, and forced to be off work while non-Pagan employees celebrate their Holy days.
Hate crimes are being committed against us, yet it is unheard of for anyone to be arrested and charged with a hate crime.
We are the fastest growing Religion within the United States. We do not want special treatment, simply equal treatment.
Pagans Deserve Religious Freedom Too!
Sign The Petition
1 comment:
I am so happy that finally some Pagans are taking a stand for our rights. It has been ignored and just accepted for too long that we are a minority. We have rights too and for the most part we are shunned because we are misunderstood. Maybe if people actually took the time to learn about what we believe things would be different. Yes we may not believe in jesus christ but that does not make us evil. I dont believe in allah but i dont see all muslims as being evil. What is the harm in loving and worshipping the earth and believing there is a goddess? Thou shalt harm none, do what ye will. This is the wiccan motto and i believe that most of us follow this more than so called christians follow their ten commandments.
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