
Today Is The Full Moon

Several friends told me that if I didn't keep track of the full moons for them, they'd never know...

Guess what? It's the full moon reaching the peak on June 30, 2007 at 9:49 a.m. EDT.

Many Indian Tribes recognize the June Full Moon as the Strawberry Moon; although in days gone by, Europeans called it the Rose Moon.

Keeping track of the full moon is important to me and I try to pass on the wisdom of doing so to those I care about. For me, it is a more than a measurement of time because as the full moon approaches, I begin projects, as the moon declines, I wrap up projects.

I light intention candles, ask for guidance, and offer gratitude...

So, how do you mark the passing of the full moon?


Y said...

hiya...i was tagged...and now i gotcha.
its on my blog, lila tagged my and i didn't see your name on there sooo, yup you have been tagged.

Lila Dubois said...

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