
The Japanese Have All The Answers

Wow, leave it to the Japanese to figure out the answer to a long distance relationship...and here I was very happy with the solution Sir Hotness and I came up with when we decided to get married and cohabitate...making sex really up close and personal all the time. Although, I may miss the phone sex...we were getting really good at it...almost to the point that I was certain I could entertain a second career with a 900-number...

Sorry, I digress....

Back to the Japanese, and I've seen their prototypes enough to know that they were onto something...but imagine having your very own "CYBER STICK" that you could lick, caress, insert and general get off on (and even video tape the experience for your long distance partner) so that miles away "YOUR LOVER" could view the video, insert his penis into the "CYBER HOLE" and feel every sensation as recorded by your cyber-stick.


I know, you're shaking your head in wonder...I was too. I mean with the availability of cyber-holes and videos, men may never have need of a warm bodied woman again...ever. Distressing.

But then, after a little more research, I found that the male Japanese designers weren't being totally selfish...they actually designed the units vica-versa as well and the woman's piece of the puzzle is actually fairly anatomically correct (although a bit small) and responds with all the appropriate vigor of a warm bodied man minus the grunting, sweaty part.


I kind of like the sweaty, grunting parts...especially...if there is also screaming involved, I mean, why get naked if there isn't grunting and screaming. And if there's no sweat was it really all that? And then there's the bonus drool, tears, blood to let you know you really, really had a good time...can cyber-sex really take the place of all that?

I'm beginning to understand why only 10% of Japanese women report having satisfactory sex lives. I just don't think Japanese men quite get the concept.

Want to know even more about the future of virtual sex?
Another High Tech Virtual Sex Link

I think I'll stick with my plan as is...now if they ever come up with a complete BDSM virtual experience...cyber flogging, cyber bondage...I may want to sign up as a test-dummy just so I can report back to my readers my own Cyber-Experience...you know, in the name of scientific research.

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